How Often To Use Beard Products?
You should apply beard oil/balm daily to your chin, cheeks and beard hair if you want to see faster growth. Men who use BB beard care daily experienced faster beard growth than those who did not.
If you are suffering from fungal skin infection, I recommend beard oil application three times a day for a period of 2 weeks or until the infection clears.
For premature grey hair in beards, go for nourishing essential oils like coconut oil, almond oil, sesame seed oil, Grapeseed extract oils etc. These might not reverse the grey hairs, but they can certainly protect and prevent other hair from graying. Make sure you also consume a diet full of lean protein, fish, walnuts, fruits and vegetables to prevent beard from graying prematurely.
When stepping out in the hot summer sun, beard oils can provide a sunscreen-like coverage to protect your skin and hair from harmful UV rays. Use Argan oil based beard oils which act as a natural sunscreen.